How to permanently delete Google account on Android phone - instructions > 자유게시판

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How to permanently delete Google account on Android phone - instructio…

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작성자 Wayne
댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 24-06-22 16:25


The Android operating system is one of Google's projects, which includes a huge number of other services. Therefore, in order to work with an Android smartphone, the user needs to create a Google account. And, while the authorization process is indeed very important, the owner of the mobile device also needs to know how to delete Google account on Android phone. Let's understand why this may be necessary and how the account deletion is performed.

Why it is needed

There are several scenarios in which a user may need to delete an account. First, it may be necessary in order to log in to another profile. Agreed, such a need is quite common. Especially if the owner of the smartphone has several accounts at once. Secondly, deleting a Google account may be required in a situation where the phone is transferred for use to another person or resold. In this case, by deleting the account, the user protects his personal data, not allowing unauthorized people to familiarize themselves with it.

Tip. If you plan to delete your account in order to resell your smartphone, it is better to perform a factory reset in the "Restore and reset" section of settings. Then not only the profile will be deleted, but also all your files.

Ways to remove Google account from the device

There are several methods download stickers for whatsapp deleting an account. And, although we are talking about the profile of the American company for the phone, you can get rid of it both on a mobile device and on a computer. Therefore, we suggest you consider both options. Also note that further we will consider both options of partial deletion (logging out of the account with the need to re-authorize), and complete getting rid of the profile, when it can not be restored even on a computer.

On a smartphone

Having in your hands a phone on which authorization in the Google profile was passed, you can get rid of the account in two ways. Both options require an internet connection, so don't forget to set up a Wi-Fi connection or mobile internet beforehand. After that, you can safely choose one of the two proposed algorithms.

Via "Settings"

  • Open the phone settings.

  • Go to the "Accounts" section.
  • Select the Google account you're logged in to.

  • Press the "Delete account" button and confirm the operation.

Please note that in this case the account is deleted only on your phone. That is, you will still be able to re-authorize if you have a login and password on your computer or smartphone. If you want to completely get rid of the account so that you can no longer authorize in it, it is recommended to study the following instructions:

  • Go to the Google section.

  • Click "Google Account" and then open the "Data and Personalization" tab.

  • Tap on the "Delete a service or account" tab.
  • Tap the "Delete" button and confirm the operation.

During the process of getting rid of the account, the system will ask you to enter a password or a graphical key, depending on which security method was previously selected at the registration stage. Without this information, you will not be able to delete the profile, and you will still be able to authorize in it.

If everything is done correctly, you will be blocked from logging in using your old username and password, no matter what device you use.

Using a mobile browser

You can also permanently delete your account via mobile browser by logging in to your Gmail account. To do this, you will need:

  • Open a web browser (Chrome is recommended).

  • Authorize if not previously done.
  • Tap the profile icon.

  • Go to "Manage Account" and then "Data and Personalization".
  • Open the "Deleting a service or account" tab.

  • Confirm the completion of the operation.

Thus, this option copies the previous method of complete account deletion, which was applied in the case of mobile device settings. The principle is the same here, and you should be aware of all the risks you are taking when getting rid of your account. It can only be restored for a limited period of time after deletion, after which you will have to create a new profile.

On a PC

Despite the fact that in today's material we consider the question of how to remove the account on the phone, similar actions can be performed on a computer. And yes, this method allows you to get rid of the profile exactly on a mobile device, but when using a PC:

  • Open any browser on your PC.
  • Visit

  • Authorize with your Google account that you use on your phone.
  • Go to the "Security" section.

  • Under the "Your Devices" tab, click on the "Manage Devices" label.

  • Click the three-dot button next to the name of your smartphone.
  • Click the "Logout" button.

This will leave your profile on your phone, but you will be able to continue it on your computer and also on your mobile device if you re-authorize. If you need to get rid of your account completely, proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • Follow steps 1-3 of the previous instructions.
  • Go to the Data and Personalization section.

  • Open the "Delete a service or account" tab, and then open the "Delete Google Account" tab.

  • Confirm the completion of the operation.

Now the account will become unavailable for authorization, both on a smartphone and on a computer. Within a few days, all information will be deleted from Google servers, after which you will not be able to re-authorize.

Possible problems and solutions

During the operation, you may encounter various problems. The most important one is that the account is not deleted because the user cannot remember the password. In such a situation, it is recommended to use the methods of profile recovery, which become available after tapping on the inscription "Forgot password?".

If the problem associated with the deletion of the profile manifests itself in a different way, it is worth using alternative options. For example, try to get rid of the account through a computer or mobile browser. In the end, one of the methods will definitely lead to the desired result.

How to get out of a Google account, without deleting the account?

If you do not want to delete the profile, but just want to disable your Google account on your phone, then you can consider the first option of deletion through the settings of the mobile device or the first method for the computer, where it was carried out exactly to log out of the account, not delete it.

In addition, an alternative method of exit is parallel authorization in another Google account. The operation is performed through the "Accounts" section of the phone settings. Both accounts remain freely available, and you can switch between them without re-authorization.


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